Daily Activity (English)

Today, Wednesday March 14, 2018. We prepare our Appetizer the Hawaiian Chicken Salad for finishing. First we prepare French Bread that we will make into Garlic Bread. To make Garlic Bread, it takes Butter which has been mixed with Garlic and Parsley, then put it in the Oven.

French Bread that has been spreaded with a mixture of Butter, Garlic and Parsley

For the Chicken, yesterday we have Sous Vide, today we only Pan Fried it about 5 minutes it golden brown. Once in Pan Fried, then the chicken cut into dice.

mixed Cream Cheese, Onion, Chicken Breast and Pineapple
To make the salad, mix Pineapple, Onion, Cream Cheese, Chicken Breast that had been cut before, then drizzle it with French Dressing. Chicken that has Pan Fried has a soft and juicy texture. Sous Vide Technique is a cooking method where the food products are soaked in water that has a temperature of about 60C, so food products will be more tasty, with a really slow cooking process and marination make the seasoning going into the food products, making food products become tender. So at the time in Pan Fried it takes no longer time that will cause the meat becomes hard.

At the open resto time, we have difficulty handling Appetizer, because our group friends join Tabble Manner in Restaurant. But friends from other groups came to help. Making it more easier for us to handle Appetizer ..

After the open resto, we went back for One Line, then got directions from Chef Dino for tomorrow's menu. Tomorrow our group gets a part to handle Dessert, which is Choux Craquelin. 

To make Choux Craquelin First we make for Craquelin first, made from Butter, Brown Sugar and Flour mixed in mixing dough then stored in Chiller.
Craquelin ingredients


After that we made Ganache for Choux filling, Ganache made from 50% Dark Chocolate and 50% Fresh Milk / Cream. Dark Chocolate melted with double boiler technique then warm the Fresh Milk, then mix Chocolate melt with Fresh Milk. We save Ganache not inside Chiller but only covered with Plastic Wrap ..

For the Choux made from Flour, Butter, Fresh Milk, and Egg. First Heat the Fresh Milk and Butter until it boils then add Flour, then stir until ball shaped, turn off the heat. Meanwhile heat the eggs with Double Boiler technique, then mix the egg slowly into the dough was slowly, blend it into Paste Batter. Then input the batter into Piping Bag, and it is formed on top of Sheet Pan. After the batter is finished, the Craquelin is flattened and then cut it into a circular shape then placed on top of the Choux batter. After that bake it with a temperature above 250C.

mix Choux batter with Egg

Choux that has been mixed

Choux on the Sheet Pan

flattening Craquelin
result of Choux Craquelin

The Rotation 1.1 menu consists of:

Chicken Salad Hawaiian

Shrimp Bisque

Beef Stew with Zucchini Ala Provencale and Baked Potato

Yellow Butter Cake with Frosting

