Daily Activity (English)

Today on April 10, 2018, we continue the ingredients for finishing our products. Today we make batter for Okonomiyaki, for the batter need many eggs, then mixed with flour, baking powder and salt. Everything is mixed up to become a liquid dough (batter).

batter for Okonomiyaki
ingredients for Okonomiyaki
topping for Okonomiyaki

Once the batter has been made, on top of the pan, pour in enough oil then add Beef Bacon, then pour the batter mixed with Shredded Cabbage and Thinly Sliced Leek on Beef Bacon. Serve Okonomiyaki with Tonkatsu Sauce and Mayonnaise then sprinkled with Kotsuobushi and Aonori .

After we finished the Okonomiyaki preparation, then we went to make dessert of Tang Yuan and Tang Zhong, for the dessert we just made Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong is made of Hard Flour, Sugar, Salt, Egg, Milk, Yeast, Unslated Butter. How to make it is by mixing all the ingredients except Salt and Unsalted butter. After it form into dough we add Salt and Unsalted Butter. We Proofing the Dough, after proofing the dough then Punching then Molding and placed it into a round mold. After that the dough Baked in the oven at a temperature of 180 C for 20-25 Minutes.

Chef Dino also taught us how to fillet Salmon for Sushi. Salmon is divided into Salmon Meat and Salmon Belly

how to fillet salmon

After Done, We then do General Cleaning and return for One Line and then go back to our home.

Menu Rotation 2.4 consists of:


Miso Soup


