Daily Activity (English)

Monday, May 7, 2018, we prepare ingredients for rotation menu 2.1. For our group we got the Main Course part which is Beef Rice Bowl.

First we prepare Vegetable, then we save it into Chiller. Vegetable that prepared is, Broccoli, Carrot, Red and Green Paprika, Shitake and Onion. For the Shitake we boiled it for two hours with Garlic, Ginger, Leek, Sesame Oil, Salt and Pepper. After that rinsed with running water then slice.
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Image result for cut broccoli
Image result for onion slice

Dried Shitake Mushrooms

For the meat, we use the Beef Tenderloin which is cut into dice, then marinated with ingredients made from Tapioca Flour, Baking Powder, Egg, Pepper, Salt, Sesame Oil
then Beef Tenderloin stored into Chiller.

toss and marinate
Marinated Beef

For the Black Pepper Sauce made from Tomato Sauce, Chile Sauce, Oyster Sauce, Premium Black Soy Sauce, Crushed Black Peppercorn, Black Pepper Powder, and Chicken Powder. All the sauce mixed and then boil it and added taste if less.

for Blackpepper Sauce

Blackpepper Sauce

Chef Dino gave to all of us the task of making egg dishes for 3 days. For today we are required to make Sunny Side Up and Turn Over. This is what i made.

Egg Dishes

Sunny Side Up & Turn Over

